COVID-19 has been marked by the temporary or prolonged closing of many businesses, which has resulted in the vacating of buildings and loss of water use in those buildings.

Stagnant water in pipes can become a health risk when the temperature falls to the Legionella growth range of 20 to 45o C and causes harmful bacteria to grow. This can lead to serious illnesses among water users like Legionnaires Disease, Pontiac fever, and other hazards such as nontuberculous mycobacteria🦠
Make sure that the pipes have been kept away from hazards before reopening a building that has been inactive for a long time.
FLUSH ALL THE PIPES in the building thoroughly and maintain and operate the water heaters at the proper temperature to avoid illness exposure.
Regular flushing is recommended by FlowCon IVC to minimize the risk of hazardous bacteria. Using an integrated water management program can help you identify hazardous conditions and minimize them as well as control the risk of harmful bacteria in your piping systems.
Maintain the health and safety of your pipe systems and prevent Legionella-associated and other biofilm illnesses. Act now.