Customize Your Butterfly Valve |
Welcome to the next step in customizing your butterfly valve solution.
You've already chosen your valve type – Wafer, and now let's fine-tune your selection:
→ Disc Material Select for optimal performance and durability.
→ Operation Method Choose your preferred control mechanism.
→ Seat Construction Ensure the perfect seal for your needs.
Each choice you make here brings you closer to the ideal butterfly valve for your specific needs.
Ready? Let's customize your perfect valve below.
Suitable selection
Wafer butterfly valve

✔️ Disc material
✔️ Operation
✔️ Seat construction

Welcome to the next step in customizing your butterfly valve solution.
You've already chosen your valve type – Wafer, and now let's fine-tune your selection:
→ Disc Material Select for optimal performance and durability.
→ Operation Method Choose your preferred control mechanism.
→ Seat Construction Ensure the perfect seal for your needs.
Each choice you make here brings you closer to the ideal butterfly valve for your specific needs.
Ready? Let's customize your perfect valve below.

Enter all wafer-type BFVs at once